I #THINK ...
Thinking of so called ''real ART'' always creates amazed audience, curious about the history of a certain artwork, but also it is extremely fascinating topic from the scientific point of view when it comes to image making and perception of the culture. Artifacts of many forms, that we can witness in galleries of the world and popular exhibitions, where artists, culture fans and professionals can appreciate the value of artistic and cultural heritage carried with an every single masterpiece is never enough when there is a need for finding new angles of understanding the meaning while making sense of it.
What do we see when we look through the ''culture's artifacts''?
Let's imagine, that we are standing at the front of a real masterpiece and all that we know about it is all that we are able to remember from all that we learnt about it by the way or/and intentionally. Let's not forget about our own interpretations of a certain artwork, and at the same time let's remember about being able to try to experience it as something fresh - in the end each art experience and perception is generating new neuro-contracted cognitive perspectives ;)
What do we see when we look through the ''culture's artifacts''?
Let's imagine, that we are standing at the front of a real masterpiece and all that we know about it is all that we are able to remember from all that we learnt about it by the way or/and intentionally. Let's not forget about our own interpretations of a certain artwork, and at the same time let's remember about being able to try to experience it as something fresh - in the end each art experience and perception is generating new neuro-contracted cognitive perspectives ;)
When Leonardo Da Vinci was creating his art that nowadays is treated as precious source of artifacts from the Renaissance times, there was no AI or/and Data Analytics to transgress his images into meta-content, and yet they are till this day agreed to be bespoken masterpieces of all times - the depth and the mystery of his genius still gives chills. The engineering of Leonardo's artistic craft, whether it was drawing, painting, architecture designs or/and studies of the geometry and symmetry was the novelty in his innovative mind that inspired centuries of science and art. What is fascinating in the ongoing learning and developing of that kind of cognitive mind is natural creativity, embodied and embedded in the ''perpetum mobile'' of cognitive processes and creation.
Is perception of ART without conception of a certain method a difficulty or an advantage?
Is perception of ART without conception of a certain method a difficulty or an advantage?
Creativity itself as the means of humane progress in culture dialogue, where the old and the new is not only culture clashing, but also interacting with meaning and sense making makes modern art interesting and alive. Ongoing forward thinking in ART brings about solutions for future of artworks that speak to the new generation of creative minds. Cognitive reminiscence of the culture heritage, as well as cognitive science approach towards meaning and sense making in communication via artifacts is most fascinating.
What about imagining images inspired by real ART?
What about imagining images inspired by real ART?
Each idea inspired by the masterpiece or/and contemporary attempts in ART making adds something valuable to the overall content that we use in culture dialogue. As much as contemporary ART is often focused on deep learning and re-cognition of the past in reminiscing concepts and ideas unfolding along the way as they are being mashing up within the modern frame, the classical ART remains the forefront of the core that is embedded in the richness of the cultural artifacts we still are trying to understand.
Whether there is the new or/and the old ART cognition and innovative minding in culture mining and dialogue making is the reason creativity is always in the game when it comes to unfolding learning and development via embodiment of all that we create, perceive and cognize. Let's think more about it ...
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Whether there is the new or/and the old ART cognition and innovative minding in culture mining and dialogue making is the reason creativity is always in the game when it comes to unfolding learning and development via embodiment of all that we create, perceive and cognize. Let's think more about it ...
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All content protected under copyright law. © 2015-2025 Karolina (Kala) Karmaza via (@kala_bennu) uk.linkedin.com/in/karolinakarmaza
Navigate to the left hand side of the page for different levels of my creative potential - thank you :)
Navigate to the left hand side of the page for different levels of my creative potential - thank you :)
Since the first Gutenberg print and the ability to share publications, at the same time the first technological solution for making the illiterate and so called ''magical'' reality more reasonable, all that ever cared about learning and development benefited. Since the first internet connection and the ability to create and share content of many different styles and levels of expertise, each and every single person who ever cared about innovative tech solutions has been benefiting till this day. Whether it is the printed or/and electronic, both versions have been embodying ideas, that not only share the genius of the first architect or/and creator of certain solution, but also all what is being enacted in and beyond certain content making, as well as its emergence.
What do we need to emerge with new ideas? |
The whole topic that brings back our intentions into new perspectives in cognizing and creating knowledge, that we share for further development opportunities IS the core. What we share and what we cognize becomes part of our common dialogue, that we then transform and update. The embodied and embedded content that engages with our reasoning enables us and future contributors to find new ways of not only emerging with synchronized content, but also makes an impact within all what we call embodied thinking.
Are we always conscious about what we cognize?
Are we always conscious about what we cognize?
The Hypothesis of the embodied mind, that extends our knowledge and expectations for conscious cognition, that inspire new ways of seeing the mind via brain and neuro-contracted content is a truly fascinating matter. I think, that after realizing one's own creative potential that we are able to mine with our extended embodied and embedded minds for future autopoietic ventures makes it even more meaningful.
So, what do we share with our embodied and embedded mind when we create?
All content protected under copyright law. © 2015-2025 Karolina (Kala) Karmaza via (@kala_bennu) uk.linkedin.com/in/karolinakarmaza
Navigate to the left hand side of the page for different levels of my creative potential - thank you :)
Navigate to the left hand side of the page for different levels of my creative potential - thank you :)
i #think...
What do we perceive on a daily basis IS something extraordinary, especially when it comes to perception challenge, in philosophy of mind known as the illusion and perception problem. There is a wide range of research focused on this topic, as there are many different groups of questions to be asked when considering this phenomenon. When talking about kinaesthetic, action oriented perception we want to learn more about representations, and when it comes to cultural and social viewpoint on the same subject we want to cognize from yet another perspective.
What is there then, that we see when we confronting a perception challenge, and do we face it every time exactly the same?
Let's imagine, that we are standing at the front of a sculpture, that we may or/and might not recognize straight away as the cultural totem as such, and let's say, that we decide to take a photo of it for further philosophical investigations - whether we are a titled philosophers or/and not ;) Let's not forget, that everyone who is curious enough to pose scientific and/or philosophical questions and have passion for wisdom and knowledge sharing IS a natural scientist a priori! :)
What is there then, that we see when we confronting a perception challenge, and do we face it every time exactly the same?
Let's imagine, that we are standing at the front of a sculpture, that we may or/and might not recognize straight away as the cultural totem as such, and let's say, that we decide to take a photo of it for further philosophical investigations - whether we are a titled philosophers or/and not ;) Let's not forget, that everyone who is curious enough to pose scientific and/or philosophical questions and have passion for wisdom and knowledge sharing IS a natural scientist a priori! :)
All content protected under copyright law. © 2015-2025 Karolina (Kala) Karmaza via (@kala_bennu) uk.linkedin.com/in/karolinakarmaza
Navigate to the left hand side of the page for different levels of my creative potential - thank you :)
Navigate to the left hand side of the page for different levels of my creative potential - thank you :)
Each perspective taken from different angle inspire different perception experience, and as we make our own way into another caption we do realize more and more how much there is to cognize. There are some ''magic'' properties of this kind of cognition, known as the blind spots in perception that lead to yet another very interesting area of study, that can be explored by one of us on a daily basis or/and academically.
So, what would you notice in your very own phenomenological experience if you had a chance to see a horse or/a and a giraffe?
So, what would you notice in your very own phenomenological experience if you had a chance to see a horse or/a and a giraffe?
Whether there is a chance for a blind spot or/and not, the ''real animal'' that comes out of a true cognizer, according to the classics in BigScience,
can be and maybe IS a a Subject in the Objective reality. Let's think more about it...
...there are a lot of ethic and aesthetic questions related to perception, embodied art and enacted embodiment of creative mind. Soon more in a book:
All content protected under copyright law. © 2015-2025 Karolina (Kala) Karmaza via (@kala_bennu) uk.linkedin.com/in/karolinakarmaza
Navigate to the left hand side of the page for different levels of my creative potential - thank you :)
Navigate to the left hand side of the page for different levels of my creative potential - thank you :)