''Shortcuts were not the best solution to the problem, that inspired new generation of artists. They used to be more daring than forthcoming disasters, and still becoming less and less creative. On the basis of an everyday creative content experience there were judgements of what else they will never invent. Some savage painters became hard gossipers, and even some poets lost patience with their own self-misconceptions versus self-image concept. It was only at the very end of the depression period, that more than one persistently tried to overcome the past while the new directions were evolving. In times of never ending progress and innovation, where novelty knocks at every single opportunity, there are hopeful dreamers, ongoing innovators, undying and hungry philosophers, scientists and creatives, still trying to keep up with their own development. Acceleration of creative thinking has always been a mystery, and each decade gave birth to the new breed of content creators. New chapters, just like new styles, projecting culture preferences of people, living in their realistic and/or dream-full worlds, that make sense to their future, make actual meaning. On the discovery of the new generation there always occur more and more assumptions of the past and present irregularities in diverse and multilevel societies. What are we going to talk about, for our children, for ourselves, for our parents and grandparents? In the end, there is nothing to hide, or is it? Misconceptions and stereotypes come under detailed scrutiny, especially when we cannot understand the meaning of our present culture. We care about our ''being'' and ''becoming'' as much as we have to, in order to survive, to ''be'' and ''become'', and still we crave for more to learn, at least some of us. Without exclusion of individual way of being, we may think, that independence in multicultural society is as easy as making a loaf of bread or a glass of fresh juice. Innovative and highly technological world makes an impression of an easy life, whereas there is still some dreaming, thinking and feeling to be done. The ongoing work is obvious. On the margins of false assumptions, there is an ongoing cognition, that welcomes realities of many possible forms, colors, tastes, sounds and dimensions – not for wasteful bribery of cave thinking, but for imagination, that strikes with invitation and progress. What do you think, what will be the next chapter of our XXI century creative reality? |
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