How many times do we care to realize the importance of each connection that we make? In times of hyper linking and fast growing online networking, we have a wide range of choice of how we can connect via internet and/or an off-line contextual communication. When talking about communication, many of us think in mega bit terms – especially when most of us have already created loads of electronic content of many forms and purposes. Following the former, living in the XXI century often means being linked with others through social media and other forms of engagement, like for example interactive technology embodied in new cybernetic inventions. It is natural to involve curiosity in the process of personal development, that is why willingness to explore new ways of not only learning, but also communication is valid each time when there is a need for better communication tools. In the XXI century we can link with millions of people from all over the world – something that Stanislaw Lem wrote in his science-fiction stories. Being ''on'' and/or ''off'' in terms of global communication and innovative thinking, is more and more often reasonable – especially when we aim to launch our own project, whether it is purely ''on'' or/and an ''off- line'' venture. We explore, we engage, we create, we post, we link, we share content, and there is always something new to learn and understand about the way we want to communicate and cognize each other through our enactive minds. We participate in each other's processes of inter-related sense and meaning making, and as Ludwig Wittgenstein said: ''A new word is like a fresh seed sown on the ground of the discussion.'' Sometimes one word is not enough to let us connect in a meaningful way, and discussion makes perfect sense when it is transferable from the ''online'' into the ''offline'' dialogue and vice versa. The art of this multilevel communication, combined in a highly interactive content, let us relate more not only to one another, but also to the content that we connect to. It is most optimal when we are able to make the most of what we learn or/and share, as well as how we communicate in a meaningful way. Word by word, bit by bit, we plant seeds of learning and development - and before we know it, we grow much more common sense, than we might have ever expected. As much as we are not responsible for the way others interpret our words, each one of us is responsible for the way we use words when communicating, both ''on'' and ''off - line''. In the end, the most meaningful connections happen beyond what is being said, read, written or talked through in the very act of communication. Each time when we let ourselves to listen and reflect we connect most. How do you connect? DEEP: acrylics on canvas: 60 cm x 60 cm All content protected under copyright law. © 2015-2025 Karolina (Kala) Karmaza via (@kala_bennu) Navigate to the left hand side of the page for different levels of my creative potential - thank you :) |
#autopoieticsAuthor© All content protected under copyright law. Copyright © 2015-2025 |